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Centre for Future Insights

At the Centre for Future Insights, we focus on developing cutting-edge and innovative research in the area of the future of work, allowing us to provide data-drive insights and innovative solutions for governments, organisations and individuals interested in the FUTURE OF WORK.

Future of Work Model

Future of Work Modal by Optimal Insight



Generative Organizations


The Future of Work means that organizations need to reconsider WHAT work is done (technology & digitalization), WHO does the work (people and talent management) and WHERE the work is done (hybrid). It is about rethinking organizational change from a once off, close-ended process to one that is continuous, open, but still focused sustainable success to create value and purposeful impact to support it’s stakeholders and the Quadruple Bottom-Line of Purpose, Planet, People, Profit.



Generative Leadership


The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting means the world is changing dramatically and it is now more key than ever to inspire a workforce through connectedness, empathy, and compassion.Generative leaders cultivate and reward new ideas and creativity. They pursue agile approaches and breakthrough solutions and believe in organizational learning. Leading with the heart means inspiring others and focusing on stakeholders and human-centred experiences by growing great cultures so people can grow and do their best work.



Generative Mindsets


The Covid-19 pandemic has shifted the way people value work as well as the way leadership engages with their workforce. Well-being and mental health are now critical issues to be addressed. Shifting from future-taking to future-shaping distinguishes game-changing leaders and developing a generative mindset sets leaders up as future-shapers who can thrive during times of disruption rather than just future-adapting. This requires self-awareness, cognitive agility, ideation, experimentation and creative resilience.

Our Top 3 Featured Insights

AI Takes the Stage: Your New Favorite Song Was Created by a Machine


The release of the AI-generated song "Heart on My Sleeve" on streaming and social media platforms has sparked disbelief among music fans. The use of AI in music has advanced to the point where new songs can be quickly created that sound like the work of real artists. As a result, industry players are trying to figure out how the technology can be used responsibly, given the ethical and legal limitations. 

How AI is helping in the fight against breast cancer


President Biden is asking Congress for $2.8 billion to support the Cancer Moonshot initiative, which aims to reduce cancer deaths by 50% in 25 years. One of the main goals of the initiative is to close gaps in cancer screenings. With 3D mammograms and AI-powered diagnostics and pathology offering hope for more timely and precise cancer diagnosis. 

Funeral Companies Use AI  To Communicate With Their Deceased Loved Ones


Funeral companies in china are utilizing machine learning, photos, and voice recordings of the dead to create avatars that replicate the appearance, personality, voice, and memories of the deceased for loved ones to interact with. This gained attention during the Qing Ming Festival, and some companies use ChatGPT and Midjourney to provide these services.


5 Signs of Quiet Quitting & How to Prevent It

In today's fast-paced work environment, it's becoming increasingly common for employees to feel like their jobs lack purpose and meaning. Many find themselves feeling unfulfilled and unhappy, but they may be hesitant to speak up or quit outright...

Supporting Our Kids During Covid-19 lockdowns


No matter what age, do keep an eye out for changes in your child's behaviour. If you notice that they are not eating, have lost their appetite, struggle with sleep, or are no longer wanting to participate in activities they used to enjoy, then do try and figure out what is going on...

Leadership Development: Emotional Responses When Leading During Crisis


The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the world - it has shaken governments, businesses, lives. In a world of lockdowns, isolation, and social distancing, we have had to learn to live and work differently, to learn to adapt to a new normal. In such a time of unprecedented change as this, how should we react?

Gen-Z Opinion Piece

Our Gen-Z opinion pieces offers fresh insights into the ever-evolving employment landscape.

Young gen-z male working at his computer

Unlocking the Power of Gen Z's New Working Culture


The pandemic has caused a major shift in the way we work, and companies need to adapt to the new working culture. Gen Zs like me have grown up with technology and are more efficient and productive when working from home.

Young woman burnout while working

From Burnout to Breakthrough: Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace

How can I continue to turnover profits when I am burnt out, stressed and on the verge of a mental breakdown? Yes, I may be young and fresh talent, but that does not mean you need to work me to the bone.

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