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Staying sane during Covid-19 times

It's normal to feel down, anxious, confused, scared, and even angry during uncertain times. We feel threatened by what's happening in the world and our body responses accordingly by releasing stress hormones. We also feel anticipatory grief about our 'lost' future (Scott Berinato, HBR, 2020) and for all our plans that may not come to fruition.

To manage all these emotions, here are a few tips to help you self-regulate which will in turn improve your overall health and wellbeing. Self-regulating allows you to take control back so you are leading your life rather than letting circumstances lead you.

Tips to stay sane! MENTALLY

  • BE INFORMED and gather credible information to help you determine your risk so that you can take reasonable precautions.

  • LIMIT EXPOSURE to the news to specific times only. MARCUS AURELIUS

  • SET WORRY TIMES to release tension. Time off from worrying allows you to reset as well.

  • FIND THE POSITIVES and look out for good news e.g. #covidkindness. REFRAME your thoughts e.g. I am going to die TO I am healthy and safe; nothing is going to be the same TO things will change and I will adapt and this is how...

  • FOCUS ON POSSIBILITIES e.g. how can I make the most of things


  • STAY CONNECTED with family and friends. Spend time with your loved ones at home or remotely through email or video chat.

  • DO THINGS YOU ENJOY and make time for it. Allow yourself to be happy and take joy in things. Practicing gratitude can impact your view of the world.

  • DEVELOP COMPASSION and find ways to support others through meaningful work. Be kind to yourself and accept that its normal to not perform at your best. Try to let go of things you can't control and focus on those you can.

  • MONITOR YOUR EMOTIONAL HEALTH and get help if overwhelmed.


  • EAT WELL by maintaining a proper diet and drinking enough water.

  • GET ENOUGH SLEEP and reduce exposure to news before bedtime.

  • KEEP ACTIVE by exercising at home to release happy hormones.

  • GET INTO A ROUTINE so that you keep busy and stay productive BUT be flexible if things don't go as planned.

  • MINDFULNESS & DEEP BREATHING HELP so schedule it into your day. You can also try some anxiety relaxing techniques such as tapping for stress or grounding exercises.


  • FOCUS ON THE PRESENT and try not to project too much into the future unless it's to consider possibilities for growth.

  • FIND MEANING & PURPOSE in what's happening to try and make sense of it. CONSIDER HOW IT CAN MAKE YOU BETTER OR CREATE A BETTER LIFE e.g. what changes can you make in your life?

  • TRUST IN YOUR MAKER and keep on praying and believing.

Remember that how you respond to uncertainty is how you will be remembered. BUT also remember that everyone’s response is different and compassion goes a long way. What we need most right now is courage - resilience matters. In the end the world will adapt and things will get better. Until then, focus on self-regulation and growth so you can be become a better version of you.

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