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Supporting Our Kids During Covid-19 lockdowns

Lockdowns are difficult for even the best of us, particularly when family members feel bored, jittery or overwhelmed with everything that is going on. Working and studying from home doesn't help either and both parents and children bear the consequences of juggling both.

The tips below are provided to help you to support your kids during this difficult time. It's all about being there to prop each other up and find joy even when times are tough!


"Fairy tales are more than true not because they tell us that dragons exist BUT because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."



For both the little ones as well as the big ones, do team them the necessary safety precautions and hygiene levels required. For example, teach them washing their hands, no sharing water bottles, etc.

Speak to them as well about what is going on, and reassure them that you will be there to look out for them. During crisis, your children need you to parent them during more than ever as they may not have the emotional maturity to cope with overwhelming feelings.


No matter what age, do keep an eye out for changes in your child's behaviour. If you notice that they are not eating, have lost their appetite, struggle with sleep, or are no longer wanting to participate in activities they used to enjoy, then do try and figure out what is going on. If things feel like they are escalating, seek external help to help them cope with their stress and anxiety.


How you behave matters so pay attention to how you respond to stress. Children tend to be able to absorb your feelings even if you don't speak about things. And even if you think that they don't know, they can be impacted by your moods.

That doesn't mean you have to pretend to be happy or to push toxic positivity at them. It does, however, mean that you should try to be as honest with the children as possible about how you feel while still trying to remain optimistic while realistic about the situation.


Do ensure to keep the children occupied as it is so easy for children to get bored at home. They miss their friends and playing out doors and can easily become frustrated just as us adults. Do try and get them into a routine, especially if they are schooling remotely.

Keep them engaged in activities that bring joy like painting, playing board games or baking.

Do monitor their access to media too to ensure they exposed to the right typeformation and not picking up fake news.

Getting them involved in community work also not only keeps them occupied but also teaches them to care for others and to feel as it they too are part of the fight against the disease.

HOPE for the future.

Yes, times may be difficult in this new normal but as parents, we can help our children to learn from the challenges we face. So do use this opportunity to teach your kids about grit and what it means to persevere despite tough times by maintaining a resilient mindset. Their involvement in chary work is also an opportunity for us to teach them to look out for each other and even the community at large.

Please contact us should you want to discuss any concerns about your children or yourself during this Covid-19 times. Email

“We can’t heal the world today. But we can begin with a voice of compassion, a heart of love, and an act of kindness.”


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